Stretching Muscles on the Side and Back of your Neck
Tilt your head to one side trying to get your ear to your shoulder. At the same time, lower your shoulder on the side to which you are leaning, feeling your torso shift to the opposite side. Repeat on the other side.
To stretch the back of your neck, tilt your head forward trying to get your chin to your chest. To avoid irritating your neck and the nerves coming out of your neck, your chest should soften and your back will round. (See the cat stretch that shows this from the side).
Listen to Stretching Muscles on the Side and Back of Your Neck Instructions

Stretching Muscles on the Back of your Shoulder
Don't do this stretch if you've had a shoulder replaced. Check with your surgeon first.
To stretch the back of your left shoulder, put your left hand over your right shoulder. Using your right hand, push up and back on your left elbow. Switch sides and repeat.
Alternatively, hug yourself.
Listen to Stretching Muscles on the Back of Your Shoulder Instructions

Stretching the Back of your Arm - Triceps
Don't do this stretch if you've had a shoulder replaced. Check with your surgeon first.
Bend your left elbow and start with your left hand behind your left shoulder. Cupping your left elbow in the palm of your right hand, lift and push your left arm up and straight to the back, letting your left hand and forearm move downward and hang behind your left shoulder.Repeat on the other side.
Listen to Stretching the Back of Your Arm Instructions

Stretching the Side of your Trunk – Latissimus
Don’t do this stretch if you’ve had a shoulder replaced. Check with your surgeon first.
Bend your left elbow. Cup your left elbow in the palm of your right hand and pull your left arm toward the middle of your back, behind your head, such that your left hand approaches the back of your right shoulder. You’ll also get a bit of triceps stretching on the left side. Repeat on the other side.
Listen to Stretching the Side of Your Trunk Instructions

Stretching Pectoral Muscles
If there is a corner or an open doorway you can stand in, put one hand on either side of the corner or doorway keeping your arms level with your shoulders. Now let your body lean forward. You'll feel the stretch in your chest. You'll also feel your shoulder blades coming together in the back.

Stretching Forearm Muscles
Stretch the back of your left forearm by holding your left arm out in front of you with elbow locked and palm down. Use your right hand to force your wrist down. Repeat on the other side.
Stretch the underside (palm side) of your left forearm by holding your left arm out in front of you with elbow locked and palm up. Use your right hand to try to force your left hand down at the wrist and fingers. Repeat on the other side.
Listen to Stretching Forearm Muscles Instructions